Contract/Project Experience

Environment. Heritage. Planning. Renewables.

With a combined experience of more than 40 years delivering environmental heritage and planning advice, we have contributed to numerous projects. We are located in North Qld, but deliver projects across Qld and NSW.


Electricity Infrastructure Projects

Echo Consultants resources have more than 40 years experience delivering environmental and heritage advice and services on construction and maintenance of distribution and transmission networks/assets. Projects over the years are too numerous to list but recent projects include the Genex Kidston Connection 275kV Transmission Line with Powerlink Queensland. 

Solar Farm/Hybrid, BESS, Green H2 developments


Punchs Creek Renewable Energy – Planning, CH & Development, SkyLab Group

Gunsynd SF (Goondiwindi) – Planning, SkyLab Group

Ross River SF – Construction and Operations & Maintenance, Downer Utilities

Haughton SF – Planning, CH & Construction, Pacific Hydro Australia Developments

Clarke Creek SF – Planning, Pacific Hydro Australia Developments

Springvale SF – Early Planning & CH, SkyLab Group

Majors Creek Solar Power Station – Planning, CH & Development, Edify Energy

Smoky Creek Solar Power Station – Planning, CH & Development, Edify Energy

Callide Solar Power Station – Planning, CH & Development, Edify Energy

Edify Green Hydrogen – Planning, CH & Development, Edify Energy


Peninsula, Billilingra, Ulan, Darlington Point, other confidential sites – Development, Edify Energy

Echo resources have contributed to solar farm, battery storage, hybrid and green hydrogen developments:
Solar panels

Scoping & Investigation of potential renewable development sites to offer to Market

Echo Consultants (with partners) scopes and investigates potential renewable energy – solar, pumped hydro, battery storage, wind – development sites in Qld, NSW, SA.

Once sites are identified, Echo undertakes landholder negotiations and lease agreements; completes constraints and due diligence reporting covering environmental, planning and site selection information; liaises with stakeholders and regulators; obtains Development Approval; assists with electricity connection agreement and seeks potential PPA options. Developments are packaged and offered by invitation to the Market.

Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Developments (Qld & NSW) Scoping & Investigation

Pacific Hydro Australia Developments

Echo Consultants undertook scoping and investigation of potential pumped hydro energy storage development sites in Qld and NSW.

Echo provided constraints and due diligence reports covering environmental, planning and site selection information.

Selected sites continued to further feasibility assessment and required negotiation with regulators regarding water legislation reform. Echo delivered an Environmental and Cultural Heritage Review Report (including a preliminary ecological assessment), facilitated a dam constructibility assessment, and reviewed planning constraints and requirements for a proposed development.

Hydro electricity

TMR Qld Road Construction Projects

Pre-construction & Construction

CN-15307 Bruce Highway, Safer Roadsides, Ayr to Christmas Ck

CN-10820 Bruce Highway, Safer Roadsides, Whitsunday to Mackay

CN-13828 Hervey’s Range Rd, Slope Remediation

CN-9064 Bruce Highway, Overtaking Lanes & Fauna Crossing, Smith’s Gap

CN-8862 Bruce Highway Upgrade Program, Deep Creek to Sleeper Log Creek

CN-8766 Bruce Highway, Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade, Rockhampton

CN-10427 Bruce Highway, Benaraby North OTL & Safety Works

Echo Consultants provides environmental representative and support services to Contractors on TMR projects, involving: